Are you an artist or arts worker from Logan or Ipswich, who has been impacted by COVID? Well maybe BEMAC can help you with our next round of CREATIVE BOOSTER PACKS… 2.0!

As the provider of the Regional Arts Services Network (RASN) in Logan and Ipswich, BEMAC want to support arts workers in our regions with funding and mentorship for short-term creative projects. We’re looking for creatives to tell their stories through their art form – Song writing, writing a play, a short story, creative work, building a website, shooting a short film, creating a visual artwork, creating a public art marquette… maybe you have another idea? BEMAC, with our Creative Facilitators, will work with you to bring your new project to life AND promote it online.

The Criteria
If your creative idea is new, can be completed in a three-week time frame, and delivered in a COVID-safe way in Ipswich or Logan, we want to help RECHARGE your creativity! Individual artists / arts workers / creative organisations can seek up to $500. Applicants MUST LIVE in Logan or Ipswich.

  • Please note Booster Packs strongly favour collaboration and partnerships – locally, interstate or internationally. Share the love. Bring in a film editor, send your track to a friend for a dance routine, create an artwork around a local poet’s work – the choice is yours.
  • Video documentation so we can help share your art far and wide is also an important part of the packs. Your Creative Facilitator will be able to help you here if you need it.


Applications are open from 9am 12 October to 5pm 25 October 2020.

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We love music and art. We believe it has the power to transform lives and communities. It brings people together, dissolves barriers and teleports us into distant lands by leading us into the very soul of culture.