QMC Queensland Multicultural Centre
QMC Queensland Multicultural Centre
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Discover the stories of QLD Backyard Artists
Every day in backyard sheds, garages, home offices and studio spaces across Queensland little known artists are creating amazing art.
They are doing it around full-time careers, families and a myriad of other responsibilities.
We believe their stories need to be told.
Backyard Art Stories is a mixed media exhibition that captures both, visually and with words. The first collection of Brisbane backyard artists working in their creative spaces making their art. The exhibition is a celebration of the often hidden creativity that pulses through backyards and homes across South East Queensland.
On exhibition from 16 September to 14 October
Monday to Friday
9am – 5pm (alternative viewing times must be arranged with venue staff)
QMC – How to get there
This exhibition is part of BEMAC’s Incubation Space program.
About Ange Costes
When photographer and mixed media artist Ange migrated to Australia from France 15 years ago, she struggled launching herself as an artist in a new country. While she craved connection with other creatives and the support and encouragement this brings, the community she needed was hard to find in Brisbane. Slowly but surely Ange carved out an artistic space for herself and along the way built her own creative network from the ground up.
Those difficult early years were never forgotten though. Today Ange describes herself as a ‘connector of creatives’. When she meets someone with a passion for art, in whatever form, she makes an effort to connect them with anyone in her network she feels may be able to offer guidance, support and friendship.
BACKYARD∙ART∙STORIES is Ange taking her ‘creative connecting’ to new heights and telling the stories behind our artists along the way. Her dream is for BACKYARD∙ART∙STORIES to become a thriving artistic community and an annual showcase event in Brisbane.
Find out more https://www.backyardartstories.com